Hunt Season: Episode 2 What happens after draw results

Hello, I wanted to talk about what happens after you get your Draw Results. Draw results have been out for a while now, and I know some people have already left for their hunts, but there are still a lot of hunters who are in the middle of this process. The planning after draw results!! There is so much planning that goes into a hunt after your draw results, and here is how I start my process.

So we found out we are going to on quite a few hunts this year as family & friends. Our hunting buddy has Arizona mule deer, my dad has Nevada elk, my brother has Wyoming Antelope, and I have Colorado mule deer. There is so much planning to do, and scheduling that I wanted to take you along with me as I plan all this. So let’s get started at the beginning!

There are sections of planning that need to be thought about; Transportation, Gear, Mapping/Plans, and Season/Weather. In each of those sections, there are subjects to then go over from there. So first things first let’s break these down!


First things first; is how far is it away from home? That will determine how you will get there for us we drive everywhere. The only time I think we will ever fly is Alaska, Canada, and the east coast. But maybe not even then. One thing it would be good to focus on with this is what needs to be done to then drive to the hunt.

to the hunt

  • Will your vehicle make it that far?

    • Blazer? Nope

    • Pickup? Yes - so I will be taking this vehicle

  • Does your vehicle need to be checked out, and fixed, or do things need to be updated for the trip?

    • Oil change needed

    • Tires are great

    • New rims to fix broken one - done

    • and more in my case

  • Do you need a trailer?

    • I don’t know yet. which leads me to the next subject…

transportation around Unit/Zone

How are you getting around the unit/zone? There is a lot of research you must do to see what is legal for you to take. For instance, the wilderness areas don’t allow anything with a tire. No bikes, quads, side by sides, trucks, cars, or even wheelbarrows.

  • What areas will I be entering?

    • BLM

    • Forestry

  • What are the roads like?

    • Can I get my Truck through all the roads?

    • Are there some areas where I want to go on quad-sized trails?

  • Considering the roads, what might you use to get around the unit/zone?

    • Knowing the plan as I write this for you, I know I will be taking my dirtbike, and my dads side-by-side.

Season | Weather

Knowing the season you are going is very important; the season dates will help determine what you need to bring.

  • Is it more of an early fall?

  • Will it snow?

  • Could it rain?

  • What altitude changes might I need to consider?

  • Is this an area where the weather changes easily?

These are all questions you need to ask yourself to make sure you pick the correct gear and equipment to bring on this hunt. AND where the animal you are trying to harvest might be.


One of my favorite parts is the planning of the hunt! I love using GoHunt maps to help plan my hunts. I will be posting a video soon about how I use the mapping for hunting season.

Things to consider when mapping;

  • What altitude are you going to be in

  • What altitude does the animal you plan to harvest thrive in

  • Check with what season they might be in; water focus, mating focus, habitat focus, food focus. This will help determine where they will be

  • Are you going to be hiking into the backcountry, or traveling by road

  • Have you talked with biologists yet?

  • Where is the water/food source in the unit you are looking at?

All these are just some of the questions you need to ask yourself when planning out the hunting path you will be taking out in the field.


The next thing I usually do is gear; what part of my gear needs to be replaced, fixed, or purchased in the first place? This includes thinking about what needs to be changed. Does your setup work for you? Here are each of the subjects within the gear section I look at;

  • Sleep setup

  • Clothing setup

  • Optics

  • Tool/Weapon Setup

  • Safety Kit

  • Kitchen Setup

  • Harvest kit

  • Backpack set up

I know that some of my stuff needs to be updated. I also know there is quite a bit that I need to still purchase to make my hunting season easier. And that’s another great thing about hunting, you don’t need all the fancy toys, you just need a firearm, a vehicle, and a backpack. But there will always be things that will make hunting easier and safer for you though. One of the things that I have really wanted to purchase is the Garmin Inreach. It will make hunting safer, plus I can wander off into new areas away from my group while still being able to be safe.

When looking at the gear really go into the thoughts of everything you touch and use. Don’t be afraid to try things out now before the hunt begins to make sure it will work for you out there.

I cant wait to see all your posts about your hunts! Please tag me in your hunts!
